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Cloud VPS Reseller-Creating a New Virtual Machine

In order to create a new Virtual Server, you must first create a User. From your main cloudserver reseller control panel, select “Create User.”

Create User will ask for Username, First and Last Name, Email, Company, and Password. Please enter the information needed. Note: For password you can click the Generate button or make one up. Once the form is completed, select add and navigate back to Home using the Home button at the to.

Click Create Virtual Server

You will find Select Virtualization type with two selections Xen Paravirtualization (PV) and Xen Full Virtualization (HVM). Select the virtualization you would like to use.

A Xen PV domain is a paravirtualized domain that means the operating system (usually we’re talking linux here) has been modified to run under Xen, and there’s no need to actually emulate hardware .A Xen HVM domain is hardware emulated domain, that means the operating system (could be Linux, Windows, whatever) has not been modified in any way and hardware gets emulated.

Add the Hostname and adjust the settings of Disk Space, Operating System, Memory, Bandwidth, and so forth. Note: Make sure to adjust accordingly so that you do not run out of resources.

Click Create Virtual Server and you will be brought to the main management page for the newly created VPS.

Updated on November 6, 2018

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